The search for lingzhi, the “King of Herbs”, the elixir of life, began 4,000 years ago with the Emperor’s Imperial Order. A rare herb, lingzhi was only consumed by the very rich and powerful.
In an effort to make the rare red Songshan lingzhi available to people everywhere, Dato Dr Jannie Tay sent a scientific team to the forests of China, trekking for ten days over ten kilometres – only to find a handful of specimens.
Not deterred, with three generations of TCM/pharmacology expertise and the help of R&D labs, she was able to replicate the elusive GTJ lingzhi in culture farms in China, bring back the nostalgia of home-prepared herbs in grandma’s kitchen, stamping off with Scientific Tradition’s imperial quality seal of authority!
In the manner of emperors, 4,000 years ago.