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Market Readiness Assistance (MRA) Grant

Enterprise Singapore extends Market Readiness Assistance (MRA) Grants to help take local businesses overseas, giving them an international boost. Supportable Activities include:

Overseas Marketing and Public Relations (PR) Activities

Third-party costs incurred for:

  • Marketing and PR activities including launch of in-store promotions, roadshows, pop-up stores executed using an appointed Marketing and/ or PR agency
  • Pitching fees at overseas business/ trade conferences

Market Readiness Assistance (MRA) Grant

for Oversees Market Promotions


Go Global with Aago

Up to 70% of eligible costs, capped at $20K per company per fiscal year supported by Enterprise Singapore

Why Aago?

  • Track-Record in Government-Funded Brand Internationalization Projects
  • Enterprise Singapore recognized. SPMPC Certified Management Consultants
  • 100% Success Rate in Approvals for Grant Applications

What does MRA support?

Up to 70% of eligible costs, capped at $20K per company per fiscal year that covers:

  • Maximum of two applications per fiscal year, starting 1 April and ending 31 March the following year
  • Limited to one activity (e.g. Overseas Marketing and PR Activities) per application

Note: The MRA Grant support level of up to 70% will be extended until 31 Mar 2020.

Who can apply for MRA Grants?

Eligibility Requirements

  • Registered/incorporated in Singapore
  • Have a minimum of 30% “local” shareholding

Have group annual turnover not exceeding S$100 million per annum based on the most recent audited report, or group employment not exceeding 200 employees

How to Claim?

All grants supported are on a reimbursement basis.

NOTE: The Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) is administered by and subject to approval by Enterprise Singapore. Terms and Conditions are subject to amendments which may be made by Enterprise Singapore from time to time, as may be stipulated in