Re-claiming a Peranakan Identity

How does one begin to brand or rather, re-brand a much-loved character who has been so warmly accepted into families from Singapore to Iceland? Bent on capturing that certain regal quality, an intrinsic old world glam of Emily who was the definitive hostess  of her ballroom heyday, we found our inspiration in an antique Peranakan kerosang (mine), scoured for a font, embellished it – the end product was a brand identity creation which award-winning playwright Stella Kon described as simply “beautiful”!

“Dear Jean, Johan and Graham,


I would like to thank AAGO for all the thought, time and effort that you had put into designing the logo for EMILY THE MUSICAL…You and Johan studied Nonya artifacts and even did research at the Peranakan Museum to get an authentic feel. The resultant logo is uniquely characteristic of Emily. It added beauty and charm to all our collateral materials…

… Thank you for all the work and thought you have put into this (Souvenir) Programme – and above all, the creative spark, the visions which have created an impressive and inspiring product. The final result will not only be beautiful and striking on the tables of the Gala Dinner, it will also be an invaluable resource for us in future.… will proudly show it to our clients and patrons for years to come. I can say that you have really done us proud.”

Stella Kon

Author, Emily of Emerald Hill
Playwright & Lyricist, Emily the Musical, 2012

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